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The company

The company began its activity in premises used as a laboratory, located in the municipality of Ancarano (TE) making use of the experience and expertise of the partners in the field of general mechanics, experience explicated for some at an operational level and others with functions at management level and sector responsibility, gained over twenty years at leading mechanical companies in their field.

The Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata (TE)  plant is the legal and administrative headquarters that entered service in 2004

• Office and service building sqm. 1,600
• Workshop 6,000 m2
• N. 2 OMIS overhead crane of 35 Th.
• N. 1 OMIS overhead crane of 40 Th.
• N. 3 OMIS bridge cranes of 5 Th.

Industrial Drill
costruzione ed installazione di particolari meccanici e di macchine operatrici sia in conto proprio che in conto terzi.

Our works

Every detail made is carefully examined by the company's internal testing department, which guarantees the functionality of the finished product.


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